Coach's Corner Getting to Know : Scott Edwards - by Gord Dunphy

Getting To Know – Scott Edwards

When one talks about soccer in Marystown, and you mention the word ‘keeper’ or ‘goaltender’ you automatically think of Scott Edwards.

When I think of Scott Edwards, I think of a gentleman who, because of his dedication and his strive for excellence, has had continued success at the highest level. He has been around the game at the Challenge Cup level a long time – since 1988.

Scott Edwards plays the goaltending position very intelligently, and maybe this has a lot to do with the fact this man is an intellect. By profession Edwards is a pharmacist with a PHD.

Nickname: ‘Dud’
Status: Holy Cross - Goalkeeper
Height: 6’ 3”
Weight: 215 pounds
Date of Birth: Aug 13, 1971

Soccer Inspirations: Growing up on the Burin Peninsula in the 70s and 80s was all the inspiration anyone would need for soccer. The community involvement and the high quality of soccer was a huge driving force for my ‘addiction’ to this game.

First Soccer Memory: I don’t ever remember not playing soccer. My two brothers (Paul and Craig), and a group of our friends grew up playing soccer in the meadow near our house in Marystown. Then as soon as we were old enough, we would go to the Marystown soccer field every day for more soccer.

Leisure Activities/Interests: Spending time with my wife Kimberly, our children (Anna, Kirk and Laura), and our family and friends.

Favourite Movie: Shawshank Redemption

Favourite TV Show: Family Guy

Musical Tastes: New Country, Newfoundland music

Last Book Read: Tuesdays With Morrie

First Job: Working in the Aylward’s warehouse in Marystown

Favourite Goalie Uniform: Peter Schmeichel, Man United Green Jersey.

Pre-game Feeling: I just try to relax.

Favourite Meal: My wife Kimberly’s homemade omelette.

Greatest Soccer Moment: Winning the Challenge Cup title in 2004. Marystown had never captured the Challenge Cup Provincial Title and it was extremely rewarding to finally win.

Most Painful Soccer Moment: Losing the 1999 Challenge Cup final in Marystown to St. Lawrence. All our players worked so hard to finally get a title for themselves, and for the town of Marystown. It was devastating to let our one goal lead slip away, especially since we were leading at the half 1-0 and up a man due to a St. Lawrence red card.

Closest Soccer Friend(s): My twin brother Craig, of course. My training partner Jonathan Edwards. I played with all the boys from Marystown for so long they are all good friends. Jake Stanford and the Holy Cross boys have been great as well, and hopefully we will all become closer as we try to bring a Cup back to Holy Cross.

Funniest Player Encountered: Melvin Stacey. An example of Melv’s humour was when I was coming out from St. John’s to play a Wednesday night game in Marystown versus St Lawrence. I asked Melv if it was windy in Marystown? He said, “He just came in from outside and it was so windy the wind just blew the teeth off his handsaw.”

Top three players you played with: Craig Edwards, Troy Pickett and Stewart (Darrell and David) twins.

Top three players you played against: Rudy Norman, Jeff Warren and Jamie Howlett.

Toughest Competitors: Dion Durdle, Junior Farrell, Pat Kennedy and Vinnie MacDougall.

Favourite Soccer To Watch: I would watch any soccer but I really enjoy watching local soccer, especially when it is one of the higher skilled teams. There are a lot of skilled players in the Challenge Cup league now, and a lot of the young guys on our Holy Cross team are great to watch with lots of skill. Hopefully, they can bring this to the field every game this summer.

Funny Soccer Memory: It was my first year of Challenge Cup at age 17, and I was playing a game with the Canada Games team against the Shamrocks in Lawn. Lawn had a soccer player named Scott Edwards as well. I was in the net closest to the change rooms and a group of ladies from Lawn were behind the net cheering for Scott Edwards. I turned around and jokily said “Thanks.” I was shutdown very quickly though when an older lady from the group said “Not you, you b… from Marystown.”

Most Memorable Soccer Save: At the Challenge Cup Nationals in 2004, we were playing New Brunswick. We were trying to get the first ever win for Marystown at a Challenge Cup National tournament. It was 1-0 for us and a N.B. player shot the ball from inside our box. The ball went through Craig’s legs and was headed for the low corner. I saw the ball at the last second and managed to parry it wide. We thankfully were able to get this huge victory for our club and the town of Marystown.

Most embarrassing soccer moment: There are too many to mention. I try not to think of them but my buddies are good at keeping those moments alive.

Favourite non-soccer sport to watch: Basketball and hockey

Personality Qualities Most Admired: Determination and Perseverance – I think a lot of teams over my career have had many skilled players but the teams that consistently win are those with skill, that train hard and work hard.

One thing I would do if I were NLSA President: I think the NLSA is doing a great job and since I am not involved it is hard for me to comment on changes. I am concerned with the lack of Challenge Cup teams on the Burin Peninsula though, and I wish there was a way to get some of our teams back again.

Gord Dunphy is a former 1990s Challenge Cup All-Star coach of the St. Lawrence Laurentians and National Bronze Medallist. He can be reached by e-mail at ‘’


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